Andrew Grainger

Composer and Pianist

Short Bio

Andrew Grainger MA, Bmus

Andrew Grainger is a London born Composer and Pianist. He is also an active organist and accompanist. In past times he also played the Clarinet, Tenor and Alto Saxophones and as an undergraduate he studied the viola and played in the university symphony orchestra.

He graduated is 1983 from Surrey University, UK with a Bachelors Degrees in Music majoring in Piano Performance, and in 1999 graduated from Kingston University, UK with a Masters Degree in Composition.

As a classical musician Andrew has performed solo and chamber works in a variety of settings, but his eclectic musical path has also included playing in Big-Bands, Blues Bands and various other combos. Early in his career Andrew was also active in the popular music field, which included songwriting, arranging, recording and producing.

During a seven year period (2000-2007) living in upstate New York, Andrew was a house composer for a New York City based Music Production House writing music for TV commercials and other media.

Having always been interested in music technology, Andrew has maintained a recording studio in one shape or form since the late 80's. These days it is fairly compact and mainly software based - details can be found here: Studio, and he continues to have a passionate interest in this area.

Since 2008 Andrew has become increasingly focused on purely classical music composition in a variety of genres: Orchestral, Chamber, Choral and Solo, and indeed much of this work is available to discover on this site.

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